Language Tutoring
The LRC offers language tutoring in collaboration with the Learning Strategies Center (LSC) during fall and spring semesters. Free peer tutoring is available to all Cornell undergraduate students in ASL, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish. The schedule is posted on our language tutoring page.
If your language is not offered, come to our Conversation Hours and check out Language Corners.
Conversation Hours
Conversation Hours are an opportunity for language practice in a low-stakes, non-academic atmosphere. They are open to all members of the Cornell community as well as to the general public. Come practice the language you are learning in a fun environment and gain confidence through experience!
Language Expansion Program
The LRC's Language Expansion Program (LEP) is a student-led organization that promotes language learning in a comfortable and cooperative environment. The goal of the organization is to promote cross-linguistic and cross-cultural understanding through weekly gatherings and special events that enhance the language learning experience for members of the Cornell community.
Join LEP by visiting their CampusGroups webpage and attending their weekly Language Corners meetings on Fridays from 4:30-5:30 pm in G25 Stimson.
Translator Interpreter Program
The LRC's Translator Interpreter Program (TIP) is the oldest and largest faculty-certified, student-run translation and interpretation program in the United States. TIP trains bilingual and multilingual Cornell volunteers to become translators and interpreters for both emergency and non-emergency situations of community agencies.
To join TIP, attend a volunteer training session to learn how the program works and to start the process of becoming a volunteer.
Learn more about TIP and view the upcoming training sessions on their CampusGroups webpage.
Language Requirement and Placement
For details about the language requirement in the College of Arts & Sciences and information about language placement, please refer to the Arts & Sciences website:
Placement examinations are administered to place students in the appropriate level of study within a language. Generally, these examinations are for students who wish to continue a language studied in high school or those with prior proficiency in a language. Some language placement tests can be taken online. For other languages, language placement and advanced standing tests are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. For more details and points of contact for language placement testing, consult the Language Placement Tests Contacts document.
SCOLA is a streaming service that rebroadcasts news and cultural events programs in over 80 languages. You can live-stream world television channels, view archived broadcasts, and access periodicals and photo galleries. Ready-to-use multimedia lessons and materials are also available for use in the classroom or for independent study. To request access, complete the SCOLA access form. Please note that requests need to be made with a Cornell email address.
If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, contact for assistance.
Study Abroad
The Office of Global Learning provides numerous study abroad programs.
The library maintains a page with useful resources for study abroad and language learners.
Language House
The Cornell University Language House is a vibrant community of enthusiastic Cornell students who have decided to immerse themselves in a language.
The Language House is located on the second floor of Toni Morrison Hall.
Web Audio Lab (WAL)
Web Audio Lab is a program developed at Cornell, written by Slava Paperno, designed for out-of-class language practice. It allows students to listen to target language audio, view text, pictures, or video, and respond by recording their voice. They can then compare their own recordings to a model recording. Teachers can listen to students' recordings and offer comments back to them. WAL access is free at the LRC. Stop by our Learning Space!