Sweet Poetry

Sweet Poetry 2025 ad

Any poem, any language! The LRC celebrates National Poetry Month. Sweet Poetry is an evening event in April named for enjoying tasty treats while sharing poems in any language. Celebrate your language and culture by reading/signing a poem written by your favorite poet, or an original creation!

Join us on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 5:30 pm in the Klarman Hall Atrium. During the event, Cornell community members are invited to watch live poetry recitations in multiple languages. The event booklet, available digitally, includes transcriptions of each poem along with approximate English translations.

We look forward to an amazing lineup of poetry readings this April and are excited to celebrate National Poetry Month together!

Read more about our 2024 event in this news article: https://arts.cornell.edu/news/treats-and-poems-featured-lrcs-sweet-poetry-event

You can also listen to a podcast episode recapping our 2024 event.

The event is part of the Show Me You Care! initiative and is co-sponsored by the Departments of Asian Studies, German Studies, Linguistics, and Romance Studies.

Want to share your favorite poem? Please complete the participation form by Friday, March 21, 2025. Contact the LRC Engagement and Outreach Coordinator, Ashley Griffith, at agriffith@cornell.edu if you have any questions.


Watch snippets from our inaugural Sweet Poetry event in 2023 on Instagram.
