Speaker Series

The LRC arranges and sponsors events of intellectual interest to language educators. Each year, we invite six to eight speakers to share best practices and engage in conversation.

Join us to gain deeper insights into ongoing trends in teaching methodology and meet nationally and internationally renowned practitioners and researchers. All LRC Speaker Series events meet in G25 Stimson Hall and are also live streamed on Zoom (registration required for each event). All times listed are ET.

The LRC Speaker Series is free and open to the public. 

Please check the events calendar for upcoming talks. Please also take a brief survey, sharing your ideas and suggestions for future topics and speakers. 

Upcoming talks

Thursday, April 17, 2025
4:30-6:00 pm
Sara Lee
Arizona State University
Sara Lee

Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism: Encouraging and Supporting All L2 Learners

This 90-minute workshop will be held in person at the LRC in Stimson Hall G25 and will also be streamed live over Zoom (registration required).

Co-sponsored by the German the Educational Multipliers Network, established by the American Association of Teachers of German and Goethe-Institut.


March 12, 2025Gláucia Silva
UMass Dartmouth
Glaucia Silva

Linguistic Perception and Production in Heritage Language

February 11, 2025Kris Aric Knisely
University of Arizona
Kris Aric Knisely

Doing It (Gender) Justice: Reimagining Language Education Through Trans Knowledges

November 14, 2024Tom Garza
UT Austin
Tom Garza

I Belong Here: Addressing Gen Z Learner Identities through Differentiated Instruction in World Languages

October 21, 2024Ilka Kostka
Northeastern University
Ilka Kostka

Generative AI in Language Education:
Insights and Implications for Teacher Development

September 19, 2024Oya Topçuoğlu Judd
Northwestern University
Oya Topçuoğlu

Collaborative Curriculum Design in LCTLs:
Student-Centered Multimodal Approaches Using Authentic Media
Opening talk as part of SEALC conference

April 16, 2024Dan Nickolai
Saint Louis University 
Dan Nickolai

iSpraak: A Platform for Second Language Pronunciation Instruction, Assessment, and Research

March 25, 2024Jeff Bale
University of Toronto
Jeff Bale

Language Policy, (Anti-)Racism, and Change

February 29, 2024Julie Evershed
University of Michigan
Julie Evershed

Copyright Basics: Understanding Copyright in the Context of Language Teaching

November 9, 2023Francis Akutey-Baffoe
Harvard University
Francis Akutey-Baffoe

An Approach to Teaching Twi as a Second Language Using Progressive Learning
Part of the Fall 2023 Institute for African Development Language Pedagogy Series 

October 16, 2023Catherine Baumann
University of Chicago
Catherine Baumann

Reverse Design and its Role in Curricular and Programmatic Articulation

September 27, 2023Mari Noda
The Ohio State University
Mari Noda

Fail Better: Learning to Participate in Another Culture

August 29, 2023Américo Mendoza-Mori
Harvard University
Américo Mendoza-Mori

Language Revitalization, Cultural Reclamation, and Global Indigeneity

April 12, 2023
Koen Van Gorp
Michigan State University
Koen Van Gorp

Real-World Tasks in the Classroom: Myth or Reality? 
Exploring Task-Based Language Teaching

March 25, 2023Florencia Henshaw
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Florencia Henshaw

Guiding SLA Principles and Assessment
Part of the Spring 2023 Learning Community on Languages Across the Curriculum

February 15, 2023Larisa Kasumagic- Kafedzic
Cornell University,
University of Sarajevo
Larisa Kasumagic-Kafedzic

Language and Peace: Joining Peace Pedagogies and Peace Linguistics in Language Education

November 16, 2022Cori Crane
University of Alabama
Cori Crane

Creating Pathways of Perspective-Shifting through Structured Critical Reflection

October 28, 2022Claudia Holguín Mendoza
University of California, Riverside
Claudia Holguín Mendoza

Antiracist Critical Literacy: Methodologies of the Oppressed for Language Education
Part of the CLTL Fall Workshop

September 20, 2022Stacey Margarita Johnson
Vanderbilt University
Stacey M Johnson

Problem-Based Models for Language and Culture Instruction

August 29, 2022Luana Reis
University of Pittsburgh
Luana Reis

Black Feminist Poetics and Language Teaching

April 29, 2022Shyam Sharma
Stony Brook University
Shyam Sharma 2022

Transcending Monolingual Worldviews:
Magnifying the Impact of Knowledge in Academe and Society

April 13, 2022Corrine Occhino
Syracuse University
Corrine Occhino

What Everyone Should Know about ASL and American Deaf Culture

March 15, 2022Yarden Kedar
Cornell University, 
Beit Berl College Israel
Yarden Kedar

Bilingual Community-Based Language Pedagogy:
An Arab-Jewish Language Café in Jerusalem

February 15, 2022Christina Rocha
ACS Athens
Christina Rocha

Inquiry-Based Language Learning

November 4, 2021Mariame Sy
Columbia University
Mariame Sy 2021

Critical Thinking in World Language Teaching

October 4, 2021Karen Lichtman
Northern Illinois University
Karen Lichtman

Acquisition vs. Learning in 2021

September 13, 2021Jamie Rankin
Princeton University
Jamie Rankin

"How Can I Learn All These Words?"
Research-Based Strategies for Teaching and Learning L2 Vocabulary

September 1, 2021Elvia Andía Grágeda
The Ohio State University
Elvia Andía Grágeda

Designing (Indigenous) Language Classes Rooted in ACTFL Standards to Promote Spoken Proficiency

May 13, 2021Eduardo Viana da Silva
University of Washington
Eduardo Viana da Silva

Developing an Open and Inclusionary Language Textbook for Portuguese

April 13, 2021Bill VanPatten
Bill VanPatten

Barriers to Innovation in Language Teaching

March 17, 2021Cassandra GlynnPamela Wesely, and Beth Wassell
Glynn Wesely Wassell

Social Justice and the University Language Learner

February 16, 2021Dustin Crowther
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Dustin Crowther

Addressing Speech Comprehensibility in the L2 Classroom

November 5, 2020Christopher Hromalik
Onondaga Community College
Christopher Hromalik

Inclusive by Design: Universal Design for Learning and the World Language Classroom

October 7, 2020Kate Paesani
University of Minnesota
Kate Paesani

Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Teacher Professional Development: From Research to Practice

September 8, 2020Julio Torres
University of California, Irvine
Julio Torres

The Effects of Instruction on Heritage Language Learners

March 2, 2020Ali Moeller
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ali Moeller

Pathways to Language and Intercultural Proficiency

November 13, 2019Amanda Brown
Syracuse University

Immersive versus Non-Immersive Language Teaching:
Experimental Studies in English, French, and Arabic Classrooms

October 8, 2019Margaret E. Malone
Georgetown University

Language Assessment Literacy

September 12, 2019Edvan Brito
University of Arkansas
Edvan Brito

Using Social and Cultural Issues to Promote Language Learning and Cultural Awareness:
Language Variation, Race, and Migration

April 16, 2019Charlene Polio
Michigan State University
Charlene Polio

Are Some Languages Really More "Difficult" to Learn?

March 27, 2019Sarah Mercer
University of Graz,
Sarah Mercer

The Secret Ingredient of Effective Language Teaching: Teacher Wellbeing

November 16, 2018Christian Hilchey
University of Texas, Austin
Christian Hilchey

Open Media and the Next Frontier in Open Education

October 25, 2018Patsy Lightbown
Concordia University
Patsy Lightbown

Putting Form-Focused Instruction in its Place

September 28, 2018Celeste Kinginger
Penn State University

Language Learning in Intercultural Encounters Abroad
